Get involved

Getting involved through evangelism
Would you like to be enabled to share your faith with others? Outreach UK can train and support you to do so.
Perhaps you are interested in joining our growing team of over 70 associate evangelists? All commit to an average of 12 hours personal evangelism each month (or 3 hours per week). If this is your passion, please get in touch. Training can be provided.
Download our leaflet, and find out what is involved in being an Associate Evangelist.
Getting involved through prayer
We very much appreciate Christians who will support Outreach UK by praying for this ministry and our team of evangelist. Click here for details.
Getting involved through giving financially
Outreach UK is a faith mission, we rely on Christians who give financially to enabling the work of spreading the gospel to continue. If you would like to support Outreach UK spread the good news of Jesus Christ, please contact us for a direct debit form. You can also make a donation here. Thank You.
Prayer Diary and Magazine
We produce a monthly prayer diary, and a quarterly magazine. If you would like to know more click here for details.