Want to know more?

If you have questions about knowing Jesus Christ, or about becoming a follower of his, please get in touch with us – we’ll try and help you. We believe that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important relationship for us to have. We look forward to hearing from you. You might also like to look at this helpful Web Site – Got Questions.org

Have a look at this great video – Falling Plates Video – God wants a restored relationship with us, and He’s made the first move. Will you respond positively to His love, compassion and grace (GRACE means – Undeserved kindness or Getting something we don’t deserve)


A right relationship with God

Although God is the Creator, his creation rebelled against his rightful rule and decided to go their own way (the Bible calls this rebellion ‘sin’). God however didn’t give up on his creation because he loved the people he’d made – and sent Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of mankind’s rebellion – so, through acknowledging we need forgiveness and are sorry for our rebellion, we can have a restored relationship with God again through what Jesus Christ did. His death on a cross paid the penalty of our rebellion – and we can now enter into a new relationship with God, knowing Him as our Father.

We are made for a relationship with God – but our rebellion has broken this relationship. Through Jesus Christ we can have that relationship restored

Follow the A, B, C

A = Admit – Yes, admit that we all fall short of God’s perfect standard. This ‘falling short’ is called SIN. The Bible says that SIN is when we live our way instead of God’s way. The middle letter of the word gives us a clue – ‘I’ – it’s about what ‘I’ want, what ‘I’ say, what ‘I’ believe – rather than believing what God says – that we were created by Him and for an obedient relationship with Him.

Bible Verses you might find helpful – Romans 3 v 23, Romans 6 v 23, Act 17 v 31 (John, Acts and Romans are Books found in the New Testament of The Bible – the numbers represent, firstly the Chapter, then secondly, the Verse. If you need further help with finding your way around a Bible, get in touch.)

B = Believe – Yes, we need to believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son was sent to save us all from the rightful penalty of our rebellion (sin) to God’s rightful rule. Believe that Jesus Christ is the answer – it is only He who died in our place so that we can be forgiven. Bible Verses – John’s Gospel 3 v 16, Romans 10 v 9

C = Continue – To live your life in obedience to Jesus teaching in the Bible. To help us to do that, we need others to be on our side. It’s a good idea to join with others who can support and encourage you as you seek to follow Jesus – this mean joining a Church (which is the group of people who meet together, not the building!) and ask God to help you grow in knowing and following Him. Bible Verse – Romans 10 v 10 – 13

It’s also good to tell others about your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord – this helps to confirm your own faith too. Bible Verse – Romans 10 v 9

Please get in touch for further help by using the contact form here – we look forward to hearing from you.

Trevor Dickerson.

Here are two websites you should definitely check out!

The Alpha Course

Christianity Explored